


02 Product codes/Tootekoodid

EE: Tootekoodide parandamise sammud:

1. Tuvastage vale tootekoodi allikas : Määrake, milline partner (pood, müüja või logistikafirma) esitab tellimusi valede tootekoodidega.

2. Paluge partneril tootekoodid parandada : Kui partner kasutab valesid koode, paluge tal uuendada oma süsteemis tootekoodid õigeks. Tavaliselt peaks Docura partner saatma uuendatud tootekataloogi oma kaubanduspartneritele (nt pood või logistikafirma) ja veenduma, et nad kasutavad õigeid tootekoode.

3. Kontrollige logistikafirmaga :, veenduge et müüja poolt kasutatavad tootekoodid vastaksid logistikafirma süsteemis olevatele koodidele.

Docura edastab poe poolt antud tootekoodid nii müüjale kui ka logistikafirmale.

Kõik muudatused on nähtavad Docura platvormil "Tooted" jaotises, valides vastava Saaja. Õiged tootekoodid peaksid siiski ideaalis tulema Docura partneri süsteemist, et tagada järjepidevus tarneahelas. Docura saab vajadusel tootekoode muuta, kuid seda tuleks teha ainult viimasel võimalusel.

EN:Steps for Correcting Product Codes:

1. Identify the source of incorrect product codes : Determine which partner (whether a shop, seller, or logistics company) is placing orders using incorrect product codes.

2. Request code correction from the partner : If a partner is using the wrong codes, ask them to update their system with the correct product codes. Usually, the Docura partner should send the updated product catalog to their trading partners (e.g., shop or logistics company) and ensure they use the correct product codes.

3. Verify with the logistics company : Make sure that the product codes used by the seller match those in the logistics company's system.

Docura forwards the product codes provided by the shop to both the seller and the logistics company.

Docura can modify product codes if necessary, but this should only be done as a last solution. You can review all changes on the Docura platform under the "Products" section by selecting the appropriate Receiver. However, the correct product codes should ideally come from the Docura partner’s system to ensure consistency across the supply chain.